Friday, November 18, 2011

How to cut down a palm tree?

Palm tree is guessed at 20 feet tall. In close proximity to house (5-8feet) and neighboring fences(5-8feet). I need to get rid of it and I want to do it myself with help from neighbors//friends. Where do we start and how do we finish? Should we cut off all of the fans before we attempt anything? What should we use to get the main trunk out? What do we do to the roots; do we grind or do we remove?

How to cut down a palm tree?
I just had one removed because I didn't want to, and it was approx the same height.

Two people, One with a chain saw, the other holding a rope that had been secured near the fronds, one cutting, one stabilizing pulling. 10 minutes the tree was down, cut to manageable lengths to load and carted away, and no mess, no damage.

Certainly you should enlist neighbors, and if the tree is to fall over a sidewalk or street access, the job should be accomplished asap.

Once it's down cut the FANS, and certainly cut the stump as low to ground level as possible. Grinding after, works, Digging is tedious and labor intensive, AND in some measure depends on the BREED of Palm. I've lived in FL for 36 years and have only one that spread like CRAB GRASS, a FISH TAIL,,,most others are more a TAP ROOT , similar to PINE, and can be cut or ground UNDER and that will kill them, though as they die you may have to FILL for a time as the trunk and roots decompose.

TREES in a general sense underground can take years to decompose, and you may have to monitor that,,,BUT once any seed pods and the tree are removed, it's unlikely you'll see "babies" sprouting.

Steven Wolf

Just my two "sense"
Reply:I have cut down three palms, up to 25 feet tall. Started by removing the fronds, then cut slices off, starting at the top. I cut them small enough to go in the fireplace. Palm retains moisture for almost forever. Even when a couple of years old, I could squeeze water out of a fresh cut.

I cut down to ground level. Since I have ice plant, I just left it until the ice plant covered it. When you get down to almost ground level, the wood gets so tough you wouldn't believe it. It dulls a chain saw very quickly.

BTW I was able to do it alone at the age of 75
Reply:the only way to cut down a palm tree is with a [ hand saw ] get it,,,lol lol lol
Reply:These suckers are heavy and 20' is respectable and what with other property nearby, this will have to be sectioned off in stages.

Typically, a small pie cut is made on the side the direction is desired. It is cut about 1/4 of the way through and another made diagonally to it on the same side. This is called a pie cut. It is done in a manor so as not to allow the tree to bind on the saw blade as the weight displacement gravitates toward the area you are cutting.

After this and insuring no one is in the way, the final cut is done on the back side (opposite the side where the pie cut is) about two or so inches above the center of the pie cut.

IF you think you need, you can use a rope and affix to the top of the tree to help guide it down when it starts to let go...

You can rent a stump grinder and turn the rest into good mulch...

If you are not experience, I would suggest hiring someone like me who knows by experience...

Don't forget eye, ear and head protection too ;-) No shorts, sneakers or sandles either

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