Friday, May 21, 2010

How can i go on the internet by using a palm pilot?

Im getting a palm pilot today... And im kind of familiar with how to use it.. but i was just wondering if i can go on the internet.. and browse websites on it.. for example myspace... or yahoo mail.. or even hotmail... any kind of answer is helpful... plz and thank u!

How can i go on the internet by using a palm pilot?
It depends which kind u have.... if u go to they well tell u if it can go on the internet.... if not u will need to buy a wire-less card for it..... Internet will be really different thou.... movies normaly don't play and not all pic.'s work.... u cant download things and expect them to work on the palm p. and last but least the plam p. will modify the web page to make it work on the screen...on messanger u will have to keep refreashing the page to see the messages....they dont just pop up like on a computer screen..... I have a plam p. if u have any other q's ...... Kenneth Blatchford

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