Friday, May 21, 2010

What kind of palm tree is it when there are 2 of them & they connect at the bottom but spread out at the top?

these palm trees are kind of small, they dont get very tall

What kind of palm tree is it when there are 2 of them %26amp; they connect at the bottom but spread out at the top?
Hello... Palms exist in this world as - Single stem trunk palm and Multiple / Multipled / multi stem trunks palm.

Examples of a single stem trunk would be Caryota no, Roystonea oleracea, Roystonea regia or even Cocos plumosa, [Queen palm].

[Picture of queen palm]

These single trunk palm optimal sizes various from palm to palm. Example Roystonea regia, it can grow up to about 50ft to 70ft. But there are also dwarf types which stays almost the same height even they are growing. The shortest tropical palm is the Hyophorbe lagenicaulis. Its max. height is about 12ft only; about the height of a normal 1.7m person.

[picture of Hyophorbe lagenicaulis]

Also, single stem trunk palms can only be propagated through seeds. You cannot propagate them through cutting the stem and hope that new shoots will be produced from that cutting area.

Refer to this site for examples...

Now, let's move to multiple stem trunk. These palms are palms which can be propagated through stem-cuttings. Meaning, after you've cut the desired amount of specimen, the cut area will heal itself and grow back new shoots, unlike the single stem palm.

Like i've stated, if you cut a single stem palm, it means = End of life of that palm. Examples of multi-stem palms would be Dypsis lutescens, [Yellow cane plam] caryota mitis, [Fish tail palm] Cyrtostachys renda [Lipstick palm] and Rhapis excelsa.

There are a lot of ways which these multiple stem trunk can reproduce themselves. From what i know, One of the ways is through suckers.

Multi-stem palms don't always stay very short. There are speices which can grow up to about 90ft !! I know there is such a palm called, Oncosperma filamentosum. This tree is now commonly used as a fence in landscape design because of its unique development of spikes on its stems.

Refer to picture below. [it's spikes] [a picture of it]

[Another picture of it]

Both types of palms have very showy and beautiful fruits ranging from red, orange to yellow. Refer to below for pictures!

However, there is something which i would want to share with you. It is regarding - palm like trees. They are not really palms but they looked like palms. Here are two examples :-

Ravenala madagascariensis

Cycas revoluta [picture of Ravenala] [Picture of cycas]

I hope that i've provide you information of the kind of palm you are looking for. But if you want to find out more of the specific kind of palm, i don't think i could be able to help you as insufficient information are not provided. =)

This is all i could give you... =) hope it's what you are looking for.


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